Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Congressional Baseball Game

Last night I was able to attend the yearly tradition known as the Congressional Baseball Game. It was held at the MLB team, the Nationals' stadium. Congressman and some congresswomen, don their states MLB team's uniform, split up into republicans and democrats, and play a friendly game of baseball for charity. Hill staffers, their families, and hard core Republican or democrat supports come out to heckle the players. Rightly so, the democrats sit on the 3rd base line (the left side) and the Republicans are on the first baseline (the right side). Hot dogs, fries, and drinks freely flow along with insults about earmarks, policies, and general disses about being liberal. The atmosphere is spirited as people are dressed in their work outfits, but they let their hair down to socialize with their fellow party members.

For the last six years the Republicans have crushed the Democrats, but for some reason, this is not a good year for the hard working and honest Elephants. The Democrats came out hard, earning six runs in the second inning. But the Right did not give up without a fight! In the third inning, with three triples (one by our AZ congressman, Jeff Flake [Mesa]), the republicans came back to tie the game. Sadly, the rain began to pour, and since I was in my nice clothes, not to mention starving, I decided to leave at the fifth inning. When I left, the Republicans were leading 7 to 6, but I was later informed by a friend who stayed behind that somehow, someway, the Democrats took the game, winning with the final score of 15 to 10. Even though we gallantly tried and made some game saving plays, the Donkeys kicked the Elephants in the knees and pranced away, shouting, not only did they have the White House, and the House and Senate majority, they also now own the Congressional Baseball trophy. But don't give up Republicans! We still have next year!

My favorite part about last night was that the Democrat side had more people, but by far, the Republicans were the loudest, smartest, and most passionate. We never swore or personally degraded the players, but chose to attack their weak policy or lame websites. The family you create in DC based off your political beliefs will always be welcoming and supportive! It is this element that makes me love this great city!


  1. Very entertaining! Go Republicans! Am I the only reader???!

  2. I always knew Jeff Flake was the man!!! The idea of the Democrats beating us is a little mind boggling though. I didn't know Democrats played any sports, let alone baseball... I always thought baseball was viewed as being far too American by the Ivory Tower.
