Here is a list of things to do in D.C. that I've compiled (it will continue to grow the longer I am here:
1. Wear cute summery dresses--or totally dress down. DC is great in that everyone has to dress up every single day, I mean really dress up, so no one wants to on the weekends. It is totally acceptable to go around in work out clothes. Also, everyone runs here (I believe because they have really stressful jobs)
2. Contact your Senator and Congressman for a tour of the Capitol and White House. At the Capitol you will be able to see some more things with a Staff lead tour than with the traditional Red Coat from the Capitol Visitor Center.
3. Go running on the National Mall early in the morning, I'd say 6 to 9 AM are nice hours. No tourists and you can be cheesy and do a Rocky moment up on the steps of the Lincoln memorial.
4. Come in June and attend the National BBQ Grill Off! and for you older folks, I guess there is a Beer Festival in VA, a few min away, that everyone raves about.
5. If you intern, try and bring clothes that don't require ironing or dry cleaning. Except for suits, do not get a cotton suit. They suck. I don't like mine.
6. Bring a camera, a small one, and don't be afraid to do stupid poses everywhere. I mean you can only do so many "stand next to the statue and smile." The most epic picture I have is me hanging from an Archway, in a dress, in the National Botanical garden.
7. If you're an intern: sneak into as many evening social events on the Senate or House side as you can. By sneak, I mean do not force entrance illegally, just tuck your intern ID away and walk in like you know what you're doing. There is free food, and you need free food as much as possible. The "Fire Fighter's of America" has been the best so far.
8. Invest in a good pair of walking shoes. Cute ones.
9. For tourists, please do not wear a fanny pack
10. Eat at Good Stuff near the Capitol Hill, between 3rd and 4th on Pennsylvania. Also, in Chinatown, just go there. Lots of food and its fun.
11. Go to the Georgetown Water Front and socialize there. Dress to impress in a business, but casual, but fashionable way :)
12. Do not talk to people on the metro who have their head phones in. They are angry at the world.
13. Look at maps before you ask anyone on the Metro where you're going. Locals can be short with you.
14. Most importantly--TOURISTS PAY ATTENTION: On an escalator, if you want to ride it up, stand to the RIGHT!!!!!!!! The left side are for people who want to walk up it. They will violently push you to the side.
15. Make friends with a local, and if they have a car, even better! A local is a source of great information and advice about entertainment.
16. Hike Billy Goats Pass- the Maryland side
17. Bring an Umbrella (at least during the summer)! It rains so much here and so randomly. One moment the sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky, and in ten minutes lightning is striking down and all hell is breaking loose
18. Do not lose your Metro Smart Pass. More importantly, do not sneak on the Metro, and then find your pass while on the train, and try to use it to get out. It won't let you. You'll have to sneak out again.
19. Go to the Arlington Cemetery with the full expectation to be overwhelmed and humbled.
20. Last but not least, do not give money to the bums, they will recognize you and follow you around for the next several days.
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